Injectable Services

B12 $35

  • Immediate health benefits include…

    • Increased Energy Levels and Concentration.

    • Improved Metabolism which helps aid Weight Loss.

    • Boosts the Immune System.

    • Helps Improve Sleep Patterns.

    • Helps Stop Certain Types of Hair Loss.

    • Highly recommended for those with auto immune diseases.

    Recommended once weekly and then continued doses once per month!

    Better absorption and longevity then oral supplements.

    Super Lipo B $45

    An added Boost of B Vitamins, B12, B5 & B6

    Methionine an amino acid that helps your body process fat through the liver.

    Inositol which supports metabolism and reduces cholesterol.

    Choline a nutrient that helps redistribute cholesterol.

    How often can you receive these injections? As often as once a week.

    The most noticeable improvements occur within 30 days of beginning the treatment process.

    Side effects can include:

    • Headaches and light headedness

    • Upset stomach – mild nausea & diarrhea


    It is important to note that lipotropic injections alone will not make you lose weight. Combine this therapy with diet and exercise to enhance results.
    Do not take while pregnant or breastfeeding. If breastfeeding, Vitamin B12 alone is recommended without the extra amino acids.


    Sculptra is a bio stimulator made of poly lactic acid derived from beet sugar, which stimulates the fibroblast cells, allowing collagen and elastin to rebuild and restructure the skin.

    What it does? It creates 88% more tightening in the area being treated, 89% more firmness to the skin and 95% more glow as healthier tissue is created.

    Who is a good candidate? Anyone with atrophy in the skin and underlying structure of their face & neck. Thin skin, hollowing and general aging concerns. Sculptra is great for pairing it with filler for full facial rejuvenation.

    What to expect after getting Sculptra? Tenderness in the area being treated for up to one week, bruising is possible, but does not always happen and swelling is to be expected for 1 to 3 days as the fluid is absorbed in the skin.

    Daily activity can be resumed the next day.

    Sculptra can be combined with other treatments. There is no time frame between getting Sculptra and any other aesthetic treatments.

    When starting Sculptra, you will start with in between 2 to 3 vials and have a follow up at three months and then again at 6 weeks depending on how many vials are being used. Results last 2-5 years.

    Cost per vial $675

    Dermal Fillers

    When assessing the client for dermal fillers we will take a full face approach and address all areas to create balance in areas where there is volume loss.

  • Lip Filler

    Lip filler is a Hyaluronic acid filler used to Increase volume, enhance shape and smooth out lip lines creating a more hydrated youthful look to the lips.

  • Cheek Filler

    Cheek filler is a Hyaluronic acid filler used to achieve lift by making your cheekbones more prominent, pronounced and perfectly shaped. Full cheekbones are a sign of youth, but as we age, our supportive fat, collagen and elastin stores deplete in the cheeks, causing them to sag and droop. Cheek filler lifts up the face taking prominence away from the nasal labial folds as well as the jowls.

  • Chin Filler

    Chin filler is a Hyaluronic acid filler that helps create a more balanced facial structure, a stronger jawline and helps smoothen out areas where there has been bone loss as well as jowling.

    Dermal fillers are measured in syringes so depending on the area, person and results we are trying to achieve the price will be different for everyone. Price per syringe is $650, 1/2 syringes are $450.

    Pre Care Instructions- Please come with no makeup on, hair is pulled back, no blood thinners/alcohol 48 hours before, if receiving lip filler and prone to cold sores an anti viral is recommended to take two days before and a two days after (5 days) to prevent against an outbreak.

    Post Care Instructions- Apply ice the first 24 hours

    Avoid spicy or hot foods the first 24 hours (Lip Filler)

    Avoid kissing for 24 hours. Risk of infection. (Lip Filler)

    Avoid makeup for the next 24 hours. (Risk of infection)

    No alcohol for at least 24 hours. (Induced swelling)

    Avoid smoking for 24 hours. (Risk of infection/prolonged healing)

    Avoid the heat and sun for 24 hours. (Induced swelling/trauma)

    No strenuous exercise for 48 hours (Induced swelling)

    Do not fly for at least 48 hours. (Induced swelling)

    Drink lots of water while healing.

    No facial massage/Hydrafacials/DMK facials/Microneedling for 2 weeks after injections.

    No dental work 2 weeks before or after for risk of a weekend immune response.

    No vaccines 2 weeks before or after injections risk of a weekend immune response.

    Contraindications - Cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding.


    What to expect after your filler injections? Expect to be a little red, swollen and bruised at the injection site. This can last for up to two weeks so please plan accordingly around any events, vacations etc.

New Patient Consult (Botox/Dysport)

  • Your consult will be done with our nurse. This needs to be done to establish care for medical aesthetic services. Please have all your medical paperwork signed and submitted before coming in to your appointment.

  • Botox/Dysport (Forehead)

    Targets the Glabellar muscle which relaxes the vertical lines between the eyebrows as well as the mid forehead region where horizontal lines are formed. Creating a smoother more relaxed look.

  • Botox/Dysport (Crows Feet/Eyes)

    Targets the outer corners of the eyes to help relax and smooth out expression lines.

  • Botox/Dysport (Lip Flip)

    Lip flip which is an injection of neurotoxin into your Cupid's bow and into the corners of your mouth. The injection temporarily relaxes the muscles around your lip. This can be an excellent alternative to fillers for patients who want a more subtle lip enhancement, as well as those who want to enhance the shape of their upper lip with minimal effort.

  • Botox/Dysport (Masseter Muscle)

    Prevents- Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching as well as slimming the jawline for those with prominent Masseter Muscles.

  • Botox/Dysport (Bunny Lines)

    Prevents and softens lines around the nose.

  • Botox/Dysport (Chin)

    Prevents and softens lines and dimpling in the chin that occur as we age.

  • Botox/Dysport (DAO Muscle)

    Helps release the muscles that tend to pull down the lower face/mouth. This will help in the appearance of a downward smile and prominence of jowls.

  • Botox/Dysport (Platysmal Bands)

    Platysmal bands are two strips of muscle that run vertically down both sides of your neck.

    You typically see these when you smile, eat or say certain letters like “E” . Overtime these muscles will pull down the face quicker, releasing them stops the “pull down” and tension they create.

    Both Botox and Dysport are measured in units so depending on the area, person and results we are trying to achieve the price will be slightly different for everyone. Botox is $13 a unit and Dysport is $4 a unit.

    Pre Care Instructions- no makeup, hair is pulled back, no blood thinners/alcohol 48 hours before, cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding.

    Post Care Instructions- No laying down, touching injection sites, make up, exercising, or laying out/tanning for 4 hours after injections. Sunscreen should be worn on a daily basis to protect your investment as well as professional skincare.

    Facials and other cosmetic procedures can be done after 1-12 days after depending on the service. Please consult your service provider for more information regarding this.


    How long does it take before seeing results after your Botox/Dysport appointment? It takes approximately 7-10 days on average to see full results. At the 10 day mark if you feel like you need a touch up you can come in for a 2 week follow up. This is common practice with new clients to make sure the dosage is perfect and that desired results are achieved.

    How long do I need to wait in between my Botox/Dysport appointments? You need to wait at least 90 days between your Botox/Dysport appointments if you are past the 2 week window. Doing Botox/Dysport any sooner can result in your body building antibodies that fight against it making it not work as well or at all. We will not be able to treat you if it has not been at least 90 days in between treatments.


  • Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure administered by your healthcare provider to treat uncomplicated spider veins and uncomplicated reticular veins. The treatment involves the injection of a solution into affected veins.

    Spider veins are very small, fine, red or blue veins that are less than 1 mm in diameter. They lie closer to the surface of the skin than varicose veins and may resemble a thin red line, tree branches, or spider patterns. Spider veins can be found on the legs and may cover a small or large area.

    Small varicose veins, also known as reticular veins, are small blood vessels that measure between 1 to 3 mm in diameter and are also known as feeder veins. Small varicose veins can enlarge as a result of increased pressure in the vein or from weakened vein valves. You may have only small varicose veins or both small varicose and spider veins at the same time.

    Some factors that may increase your risk of developing them:

    • Heredity. If other family members had varicose veins, there’s a greater chance you will too.

    • Age. The risk of varicose veins increases with age. Aging causes wear and tear on the valves in your veins that help regulate blood flow. Eventually, this causes the valves to allow some blood to flow back into your veins where it collects instead of flowing up to your heart.

    • Gender. Women are more likely to develop the condition. Changes in hormones due to puberty, pregnancy, menopause, or taking birth control pills may increase a woman’s risk of developing varicose veins.

    • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the volume of blood in your body increases. This change supports the growing fetus but also can produce an unfortunate side effect—enlarged veins in your legs. Hormonal changes during pregnancy may also play a role. However, there is minimal benefit in treating uncomplicated spider veins and reticular veins in the lower extremity during pregnancy and lower extremity varicosities that develop during pregnancy as they may spontaneously regress postpartum.

    • Extra weight or obesity. Carrying extra weight can put additional pressure on the veins. Prolonged standing or sitting may also hinder the healthy flow of blood.

    • Other possible causes for varicose veins are ethnicity, posture, occupation, hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, primary valvular incompetence, and incompetent perforating veins.

  • Sclerotherapy Consultation $50 and will be credited at your first appointment.

    The consult helps determine if you are a good candidate, approximately how much you will need, how to prepare for appointment and how to do post care. Sclerotherapy Consults are required before booking an initial appointment.

  • Sclerotherapy Pricing

    Price starts at $200 per treatment/per vial, appointment times are 45-60 minutes long.

    Package Pricing- Package pricing- Package pricing must be paid at the Consult or Initial Visit.

  • 2 Vials for $325, Savings of $75

  • 3 Vials for $400, Savings of $200

  • 4 Vials for $450, Savings of $350


  • Wear compression stockings or support hose continuously for up to 3 days and 2 to 3 weeks after treatment during the daytime.

    Walk 15 to 20 minutes right after the procedure and every day for the next few days.

    Avoid heavy exercise, sunbathing, long plane flights, and hot baths or saunas for 2 to 3 days.

    Kybella- (Deoxycholic acid) An FDA- Approved cosmetic injection which permanently kills submental fat cells. 

    Treatment areas include- Under the chin, bra fat, belly fat and other small pockets of fat on the body.

    Kybella Consultation $50 and will be credited at your first appointment.

    Clients will need a consultation to determine if they are a good candidate before scheduling there first appointment. Appointments need to be spaced out at least 1 month apart and no more then 2 vials can be used in one session. 

    Kybella on average takes 2-6 sessions to achieve desired results. Results are permanent and vary from person to person. Clients can have swelling, bruising and tenderness in the injection site for up to 1 week. 

    Contraindications include pregnant and or breastfeeding, anyone with a bleeding disorder, or infection. 


    Discontinue the use of any blood thinners prescriptive and OTC products a few days before your appointment and after. This is to help ensure recovery and healing in a timely manner. 


    • Don't put makeup on the are being treated the day of your procedure or for 24 hours afterward.

    • Avoid lying down for several hours after your injections.

    • Apply ice to the treated area immediately after treatment with KYBELLA.

    • Over the first two days, don't take part in vigorous exercise.

    Kybella Pricing

  • 1 Vial $510

Medically Supervised Weight Loss, (Semaglutide), Weight Loss Injection.

Initial Consult is required. Please book your Initial consult first. Lab’s and additional information will be given before starting treatment.

Semaglutide Pricing

Initial Consult and Labs are $150.

$99 per shot or $396 monthly. 1x a week (week 1-8), (weeks 8-17) price will vary depending on dosage needed for desired results.

Semaglutide (Wegovy®) is a prescription weight loss medication. It’s administered weekly, by injection.

  • Semaglutide (Wegovy®) is used in people who are overweight or obese. BMI >27

  • This medication helps patients lose weight and keep it off.

  • Semaglutide (Wegovy®) is the first medication in its class that is FDA-approved to help with chronic weight management.

  • Clinical trials show that adults taking semaglutide lose an average of about 15% of their starting body weight.

  • Semaglutide (Wegovy®) provides about 2-3 times more weight loss than any other FDA approved weight loss medication.


    • Reduces food intake by lowering appetite.

    • Promotes fullness by slowing food digestion in the stomach.

    • Weight loss with decreased weight size.

    Side Effects:

    • Nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, lack of appetite, diarrhea, and constipation. 

    How Semaglutide Works

    Semaglutide mimics GLP-1, a naturally occurring hormone in our body.  This hormone is intimately connected to stomach, liver and pancreas function as well as being part of the communication between the brain and digestive system.  Thus, this medicine results in a delay in gastric emptying making you feel full longer, an improvement in blood glucose (sugar) utilization helping to burn carbohydrates for energy instead of storing them as fat, an increase in leptin sensitivity causing your body to preferentially burn body fat for a longer period, and changes to natural brain chemistry directly decreasing appetite. It is this combination of attacking weight/fat loss from so many different pathways along with an established safety profile that sets Semaglutide apart from all other weight loss medications. 

    While using Semaglutide, it is highly recommended that you:

    •  Eat a fibrous diet. Focus on fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber.

    •  Eat small high protein meals as digestion is slowed down while on this medication.

    •  Avoid foods high in fat as they take longer to digest.

    •  Limit alcohol intake as this medication can lower blood pressure.

    •  Drink at least 32oz of water a day to avoid constipation.

    • Exercise 3-5x a week.


    • Not to be taken for people who have a history of thyroid cancer or uncontrolled thyroid issues.

    • Cannot be taken if Pregnant or breastfeeding.

    When it comes to Aesthetic services at the Art of Beauty we are here to educate you and make you feel as comfortable as possible with whatever you choose. We want the best for you and want you to always feel like you are being heard when it comes to your questions, concerns and achieving your desired results. We will only recommend things that we feel will get you the best results. We look forward to serving you and appreciate your business!